Mid Cheshire Bowling League 2025

Chairman Secretary Treasurer
Mr Mark Winnington Mr Gary Spencer Mrs Helen Brewin
winnington91@gmail.com spencergary7@gmail.com helen@pgstraining.com   
Mobile: 07808 462314  Mobile: 07958 495413   Mobile: 07912 514183   
 Deputy Chairman League Fixtures Secretary Competition Secretary
Mr David Jones Mr Andy Gregory
  davej5059@gmail.com andygreg73@hotmail.com 
Mobile: 07882 730823 Mobile: 07498 743489 


Welcome to the Results Service of the Mid Cheshire Bowling Association

 2025 AGM - Friday 10th Jan 7.30pm at Owley Wood Rec Club

The Agenda and proposals have been sent to all club secretaries and is also available on this site at the bottom of the left hand menu on the Home Page. Please discuss proposals within your club and decide how your Representative is to vote at the Agm on each motion.


Committee Vacancy

Due to a recent resignation we have a vacancy for Deputy Chairman. Anyone interested please contact Mark Winnington, Chairman or Gary Spencer, Secretary.



Took place on Friday 25th October @ 7.30pm Venue : Owley Wood

 The Wheelchair Charity was presented with a Cheque for £1,650 which is the 2nd year the league has raised a fantastic amount for charity..



 There is a new page on this site called "BCGBA LAWS OF THE GAME" and I would encourage all players to read these as I have come across many people who do not know some of these rules and in fact make up their own rules. It is also printable so you can keep it handy for any disputes.



Sponsored by the following : (Also see Links Page)

Dransfield Novelties - Littler Cup/League (Also donate 15000 scorecards)

Roberts Bakery - Roberts (Keith Birkett Memorial) Trophy 

 D&D Coatings (Paul Drinkwater) - Mid Cheshire Merit

Rudheath Social Club - Cowley Cup

Cliff Dickenson Motors - Pogson Pairs

These are the 2024 sponsors and we are very grateful for the kind sponsorship from them all.


Charity Collections

The chosen charity this year is the "Powered Wheelchair Charity" which is run by Helsby Golf Club and raises money to buy wheelchairs for disabled children and adults throughout Cheshire. The average cost of these is circa £4000 and in 2023 we raised circa £2300 for Down Syndrome Cheshire through the Club collection boxes, raffles, and donations, a fantastic sum and well done to all. This year we raised £1,650 towards a wheelchair.




New Secretaries 2024


Hartford BC : Gill Symmons is the new secretary for 2024

Email : gsymmons@btinternet.com


Moulton RBL : Pete Walton is the new secretary and main contact

Mobile:  07761 342230

Email : Thomsonpaw147@yahoo.co.uk


Shavington BC - Keith Walsom has taken over from Alex Hassall

Mobile :  07955 622046

New email : kwa8483@gmail.com


Limes Bowlng Club  - Amalgamating with Sandbach and will become Sandbach B


Important Note on Competition Dates on this website

The Competition Dates page shows FINAL DAY dates only

The Competition Draws page for Individual Competitions also shows the FINAL DAY dates.

Therefore for Individual and Pairs Comps please refer to the MCBA COMPETITION DRAWS 2024 page for Qualifying Rounds and MCBA COMPETITIONS 2024 for all dates. 


Re : 2024 Mid Cheshire Season
Important Request:
Please could all clubs/teams remove players from their registered players who do not play any longer, especially those who have passed away.
Gary Spencer
Mid Cheshire Secretary & Comps Secretary.





Roberts Bakery             DandD


Sponsored by






Weaverham, Northwich.


Affiliated to the CCBA & BCGBA

Founded in 1904


Welcome to the Mid Cheshire Crown Green Bowling Association.

Established in 1904, the headquarters for the Association are at Owley Wood Recreation Club, Weaverham, Northwich. Situated in the heart of Cheshire, the association is made up of 35 participating clubs, boasting more than fifteen hundred registered players. There are six divisions and a team consists of twelve players in the Premier league, ten players in all other divisions and is open to both male and female bowlers with no restrictions on age.

In addition to league bowling the association also runs two team knockout competitions where teams are handicapped by assessing squad players by perfprmance and also taking into account their team and league status, and six individual competitions which are sponsored by local businesses. 

The Roberts bakery Cup sponsored by Roberts Bakery (Northwich) a handicap competition since 1976 with over £1200 prize money and replica trophies, this sponsorship will continue for at least 50 years. More information about these competitions can be obtained on the appropriate web page.

League bowling generally takes place on either Thursday or Friday evenings, whilst the Cup competitions are played on other days.

The season commences in April and continues until the middle of September.

In addition to our results web pages, league tables and weekly results are published in the Northwich Guardian.

More information about the association and points of contact for individual clubs can be obtained from the Secretary, the details of which can be found on the 'Officials' web page.




Important Dates:


Latest information: