Lancaster Bowling League 2024

Tue 23rd Jul 13 results from 14 Matches
Thu 25th Jul 3 results from 3 Matches
Tue 30th Jul 15 Matches
Thu 1st Aug 2 Matches




Vice Chair

David Hoyle Dave Clarkson           Janine Bebbington  
07743 445235 07886 889387 07932 629203
Fixtures' Secretary Treasurer Secretary
Mike Armishaw Denise Nardone Mark Norcliffe

07983 416995 01524 841031 07713 189267
Representative Representative  
Julie Norcliffe Barry Kendal

07947 362608 07484 207213  



Important Dates:


Sun 4th Aug

Lancaster League Trophy at Highfield. This handicapped comp is sponsored by the league and is open to all league members.  £5 entry fee.   Entries to Tony Hunter on 07400 802420.

Sat 24th Aug tba

The League Committee have introduced a new Trophy for players in Divisions 3 and 4.  This will be held at Slyne on Saturday 24 August 2024, £5 entry fee.  Entries to Julie Norcliffe on 07947 362608 or via email at  

Sat 19th Oct 7.30pm

League Presentation Evening at Trimpell Club.

Mon 20th Jan 2025 7.30pm

AGM at Skerton Liberal Club.  Please notify any motions, in writing, to the League Secretary, Mark Norcliffe, by 30 November 2024.


Latest information:


Tue 9th Jul

The Semi-final draws and venues for the Trophy competitions are as follows:


Challenge Trophy

Bowling Green A vs Bolton le Sands A at Lune Road

Burrowbeck vs Bowling Green B at Luneside


WH Nichols Trophy

Bare C vs Slyne B at Bolton le Sands

Warton B vs Bowling Green C at Quernmore


All matches are to be on Tuesday 6th August. 



Wed 3rd Apr

We have had to make further changes to this season's fixtures. Slyne A has withdrawn from Division 1 so unfortunately Division 1 now only has 9 teams. A new team, Slyne C, has been added to Division 4 which is now restored to 8 teams. All fixtures and cup draws have been updated. Can all captains please check the revised fixtures?

Mon 18th Mar

Cumberland View B have unfortunately had to withdraw from Division 4. The league fixtures and draw for the WH Nichols Trophy have been updated to show a bye against all matches affected.