Mon 7th Apr 18 Matches
Mon 14th Apr 18 Matches
Welcome to the Southport & District Vets Bowling Results
A provisional set of 2025 league fixtures is now on this web site.
The AGM was held on 20/1/2025. The following is a summary of the main points arising.
- In cup games, handicaps system as last season retained, with the +10 away team advantage to be restored
- Victoria Park C admitted as a new team, so 3 divisions of 12.
- There will be very limited parking at Sandbrook due to building work, so asked to car share as much as possible.
- The league season will start on 7th April. No league or cup games are scheduled for Easter Monday (28th April)
- Mike Carr has resigned as Treasurer. George Hitchmough will be Acting Treasurer for 1 year only.
- Team Subscriptions are now due £60.00 per team
- Can be paid by cheque sent to secretary. at 54 Preston New Road PR9 8PH
- or Preferably by Bank Transfer to Southport and District Veterans Bowling Club
- National Westminster Bank
- Sort Code 60-20-11
- Account Number 44740247
- Please ensure you put a reference as your club
The recent BCGBA AGM approved the following.
- The introduction of a £1 per player per club fee which will be ringfenced to fund the new BCGBA National Development Strategy. This will be for a minimum of 3 years and all outcomes will be reported on annually.
- Clarification in the rules that any bowls travelling over a footer must be returned.
- The maximum weight of a bowl has been set at 3lb.
- Clarification in the rules that a disturbed bowl will be treated the same as a disturbed jack.
- Nicotine inhalers have been added to the list of devices that cannot be used on the green during play (unless there is a medical exemption).
- Clarification that players will not be allowed to play in bare or stocking feet.
George Hitchmough, Secretary
Important Dates:
Latest information: