Market Drayton Seniors Bowling League 2024

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Chairman President Secretary/Treasurer
Roger Haynes Wendy Icke Simon Fullard

Wed 24th Jul 13 results from 13 Matches
Wed 31st Jul 13 Matches


Greens used 2024



Important Dates:


Latest information:


Fri 26th Jul

In order to finish the two Cup Competitions on the same day it has been  decided that the ERIC DOBSON semi-finals will be played on Thursday 29th August


The greens for those games will be sorted as soon as possible. The draw was made independently this week and the semi final matches will be as follows:


Adderley A v Victoria A


Tilstock A v Slaters


The Geoff Brookes Final will be


Hodnet v Whixall


We are then looking to play the two finals on Thursday 5th September at a neutral venue


Wed 12th Jun

It is noticeable that the new rule which asks that results are put on in the correct order is NOT being adhered to. Please ensure this happens from now until the end of the season

Rule 3 :The Match result should be entered by the Home Team Captain on the relevant web site within 24 hours and should be checked by the Away Team Captain to ensure the scores and Team players are correctly entered. The results should be entered in order of play. 



Wed 22nd May


There have been several queries about Contact Numbers for opposing Team Captains. Please remember to use your Club Login which will then allow you to view the Telephone Numbers etc. on the Contacts Page.

Wed 20th Mar

The fixtures for the MDSCBL will be released on Saturday 23rd following the member clubs "voting" on the league division composition.

The League Doubles  rounds will be May 15th, June 12th, July 17th and September 4th or the Thursdays after those dates if 2 First Division Clubs or a First and Second division club are playing each other.


Tue 5th Mar

Following the EGM today we are now part of a new Association to be known as NORTH SHROPSHIRE VETERANS CROWN GREEN BOWLS ASSOCIATION and can look to the future of our League with confidence. Thanks to everyone who turned up at Tilstock to make this happen . Veterans Bowling in North Shropshire now looks set for a great future.