Wednesday Ladies League 2024

Chair Secretary Treasurer
Sue Vayro Sue Roberts  Dusia Price 


Fixtures and Registration
Judy Hughes



Welcome to the Ladies Wednesday Bowling League results site


Important Dates:


Mon 10th Feb 2025 10:30


AGM at Rhyl BC at 10:30

Only captains or their representative have a vote, please make sure you or your representative attends.

 There are two motions to vote on which can be seen below


Latest information:


Thu 9th Jan 2025


A motion for the AGM has been put forward by Highbury ladies and seconded by Trefnant Ladies.
That the end of season merits and pairs, both be played off in Division form. A Div only play A Div, B Div to play only B players.
Also to play semi-finals and finals of the pairs and merits on Presidents day all together, therefore maybe more supporters would come to watch.
Another motion has been put forward by Dysert Ladies, seconded by Denbigh Ladies.
That when the end of merits are held that the players from the host club have a handicap on their card.  
These will be voted on by team captains or their representative at the AGM.


The opportunity to learn how to measure correctly with both a tape and calipers from a qualified referee will be held at Grove Park BC


This will be on Wednesday 9th April at 2:00. 


Ladies, please come if you would like to learn how to measure with callipers correctly and with tapes.

Thank you to Grove Park