Wednesday Ladies League 2025

Chair Secretary Treasurer
Shirley Capper Sue Roberts  Dusia Price 


Fixtures and Registration
Judy Hughes

Wed 7th May 7 Matches
Wed 14th May 7 Matches



Welcome to the Ladies Wednesday Bowling League results site


Important Dates:


Mon 7th Apr 10:30


The next committee meeting will be on Monday 7th April at 10:30 in Rhyl BC.


Latest information:


Wed 9th Apr


The opportunity to learn how to measure correctly with both a tape and calipers from a qualified referee will be held at Grove Park BC

 This will be on Wednesday 9th April at 2:00. 


Ladies, please come if you would like to learn how to measure with callipers correctly and with tapes.

Thank you to Grove Park


 Pairs and Merits

Following the AGM it was decided to hold the pairs competition and the merits competition in divisions, run side by side.

To facilitate the competitions  being held on one day for each, for this season as a trial only one pair from each club will play on finals day and every club should enter and only one lady from each club will enter the merits. There will be no preliminary rounds.

The pairs will be held at Old Colwyn BC on Wednesday 25th June and the merits will be held at Rhuddlan BC on Wednesday 27th August with Wednesday 3rd September being held in reserve incase of bad weather.

The season will start on Wednesday 7th May.

Fri 28th Feb


Flo Brett


Flo Brett who played at Rhyl Bowling club has also recently died but I have no details of her funeral at the moment.