Clwydian Senior Citizens Bowling League 2025

Chairman  Secretary Treasurer


Geraint Roberts

 07989 470107



Fixture & Competition Secretary

John Dowber

 07809 716101












 John Smith













Tue 8th Apr 25 Matches
Tue 15th Apr 25 Matches




Welcome to the Clwydian Seniors Bowling League

Please note that we now have a Face Book group page, look for Clwydian Seniors Bowling.



Clwydian Seniors Bowling League A.G.M

Friday 31st January 2025


The Chairman Geraint Roberts opened the meeting at 2pm and welcomed everyone to The Spring Gardens once again but sadly informed the meeting of the passing of Mr Gwyn Williams this year.


He went on to congratulate all the winners of all the leagues and the winners of the individual competitions on President’s Day which was a great success.


Apologies were accepted from Joan Simpson, Shirley Capper and Helen Smith.


A roll call of clubs was carried out and all clubs were represented and then GR read out a list of the names of members who have passed during the last year including Marlene Humphreys a previous secretary of the league, all then stood for a moments silence in respect.


Minutes of the last meeting were accepted as a true record with no matters arising.


Secretary’s Report

In the absence of the secretary her report was read out by GR, she too had commented on a successful season and congratulated all the clubs and winners.


Treasurer’s Report

John Smith had circulated copies of the balance sheet and there were no questions regarding the accounts.


JS went on to report that we were looking quite healthy financially and with more teams joining this would help also.


Inter-League Report

John Cooper reported the disappointment of this year’s results with us finishing bottom of the league table however it was also noted that the points difference between the top and bottom team had reduced to its lowest for four years so the teams are all getting stronger.


Election of Officers

President for 2025 is Joan Simpson from Old Colwyn who unfortunately couldn’t attend today and so the Chain of Office was received on her behalf from John Dowber the outgoing President.


Chairman........Geraint Roberts

Secretary..............................Currently vacant (Chairman will co-opt someone at a later date)

Treasurer..............................John Smith

Fixture Secretary..................John Dowber

Inter-league selectors ..........M.Jones, Geraint Roberts

Registration Secretary..........It was decided that this role could be carried out by individuals policing the weekly results for any infringements.


Divisional Representatives

Div A....P.Newell (Trefnant)

Div B....D. Russell-Jones (Bryn Newydd)

Div C....D.Evans  ( Grove Park)

Div D....D.Price (Abergele)


Proposals from the Committee


1) Remove the 38 metre rule for A Division; it should remain for any match/competitions


Involving B, C and D divisions.


There followed some discussion from the floor around how older members may struggle and this was put to a vote and was unanimously defeated.


2) Players should be allowed to register all season rather than up to the present cut-off date of June.


There was some confusion over people registering when they turned 60 years of age but this was cleared up. Also concern was raised over clubs bringing in  players towards the end of the season to help with promotions etc but it was pointed out that were enough people who scrutinised weekly results and this would be spotted and we should rely on the integrity of team captains.


This was voted on and carried unanimously.


3) No club shall be allowed to enter League Competitions unless they are willing to host matches as a neutral green.


This was accepted.


4) Due to rising costs only players and officials to be given free refreshments onPresident;s Day.


This was accepted.


5) The handicap for the A/B and C/D pairs competition to be removed.


This is not in the Constitution and so the handicap is removed.


6) The A Division Cup to be called the Spring Gardens Cup.


It was decided to change this proposal to name it The Gwyn Williams Cup and this was accepted.


Proposals from Cubs


1) A Handicap system to be introduced for each of the divisional league cups, proposed by Rhos Park seconded by Highbury B.C.


This was accepted and it was decided to let the committee formulate the handicaps taking into account the four new clubs joining the league.


2) It should be mandatory that each club must send one player to the qualifying competitions for the President’s Merit but have the option to send two players, proposed by Rhos Park seconded by Highbury B.C.


This was accepted but JS reported that he had not received any lists of no-shows for this year’s qualifiers but that there will be a monitoring system in place this coming season.


3) There are applications for four new teams to join the League Rhuddlan C, Eirias Park C, Vardre D and Penrhyn New Hall B.


All were accepted and welcomed to the League and the fixtures will now be done bearing in mind that some of these teams will need to play their home games on a Tuesday morning.


4) Two marking cards to be issued for each round of the merits competition proposed by Dyserth seconded by Highbury.


This was accepted.


5) Proposal by Trefnant and seconded by St Asaph to lower the playing age to 55 yrs for players in the A division only to enable them and other clubs who are struggling to maintain a full playing squad through the season. This will not affect the any of the other divisions, the vote to be for A team captains only.


There was an amendment put forward for this to be applied to all divisions.


Peter Newell spoke up about their proposal and suggested this be tried for twelve months and re-visited next year.


A point was raised about older players in teams being pushed out to make way for these younger players and there were points made both for and against this.


The amendment was voted on with 14 for and 20+ against.


The original proposal was voted on and only received 4 votes in support so was not carried.


The Chairman closed the meeting at 3.05pm












































































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