League Sponsor
Click logo to go to their website
League Secretary Chris Kershaw 01743 368037 chris.kershaw158@icloud.com |
Chairman Roger Whitfield roger-whitfield1@sky.com
Treasurer Margaret Cooper 01743 359122 marg.cooper36@gmail.com |
PRESIDENT Margaret Cooper
Hon Life Member Harold Banks |
Fixtures Secretary Chris Kershaw 01743 368037 chris.kershaw158@icloud.com |
Vice Chairman Martin Blizard |
Left click on any company logo to view their website
These companies all support the League financially and come highly recommended so it would be nice if we could reciprocate by supporting them
Proposed Senior Cits Winter League
Allscott Heath BC have been in touch with our League and the Mid Shropshire Seniors League to see if any clubs/players would be interested in forming a winter league with teams of 4 to play one afternoon a week on the Allscott BC artificial all-weather green. Teams could either be from clubs (one or more teams) or simply individual mates getting together to form a team and it is envisaged that each team would require a minimum of 5 or 6 players. There would be 2 matches played each weekday afternoon meaning that the maximum number of teams able to take part would be 20.
They already have a successful evening winter league which started in early November in which there are 18 teams participating and this is going very well
This will be held on Monday 13th January 2025 at Old Shrewsbury BC starting at 2:00pm
The agenda and the minutes of the previous AGM can be viewed in the green area to your left
Re-arranging a Match - Rule 10(g)
Club Contacts
If you have to contact another team captain or club official, you need to log on using your club password (as if you are entering your home match results), and then select Club Contacts which will open up a new page displaying contact names and telephone numbers.